Here is a conference to support teachers otherwise. It is called the Seaside First Conference.
During this conference the second female speakeras a teacher is congratulating the advisers of the Council, doners, and the faculty director as well. They have committed into an improvement of education at Stanford University.
Many goals are defined-leadership, policy, teaching.
According to her dialogue is essential between policy-makers and teachers to improve Education. First of all the improvement must be established at federal level to understand these goals-that is to say what kind of kwowledge to enact and support.By that some experiments have been made in communities to deduce the robust principles of teaching and learning. In a word which are the tools?
Before that she has to know who her students are and what their oral language is. She realized that they were dull language learners. They were like this in that they are immigrants.
A federal policy has to be settled to determinate universal principles. The federal government have to create labels to promote English learners.
The basic principles are the following:
Firstly the Inoculation means new ways of thinking.
Secondly the Encapsulation to achieve conceptions of robust learnings. They have to move across everyday context.
Thirstly the Remediation that is to say acknowledge of one's position.
Thus new practices and tools have to be used. She dealt with new sense-making tools such as the oral language-more and more languages there will be more and more powerful one will be.
Lastly they do not need any directives; they have to learn different sets of tools for studying documentation of learning. Teachers have to meet parents to define the appropriate levels of teaching. They research for testimonia forms as regards as ethnography.
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