Monday, April 16, 2012


Here is the vocabulary from the three podcasts I have learnt during the second term as follows:

  • FIRST PODCAST: (rather technical one)
-Inoculation /i,nokju'leich                                                                    n/. DEFINITION: new ways of thinking.

-Encapsulation /in,kaepsju'leich                                                           n/. DEFINITION: to make theory into reality we have to take evidence from the daily life.

-Academic language /,aek                                                                  'demik 'laegn gwidz/. DEFINITION: the universal English wich is taught in school.

-Academic literacies /,aek                                                                  'demik 'lit         r   s i/. DEFINITION: the universal tools to learn English in school.

-Graceland /'greis laend/. DEFINITION: the house of the famous singer Elvis Presley.

-Burst of flavour /'bu:st                                                                        v  ,fleiv  /. DEFINITION: it means that clementines are juicy, tasty.

-Splash of juice /'splaech                                                                     v ju:s/. DEFINITION: e.g. : the result of a stain on a garment.

-Kind of blister /'kaind                                                                        v ,blist /. DEFINITION: when you have to take away the skin from fruit.

-Dump /d^mp/. DEFINITION: the remains of fruit skins.

-Ratio /'reichi     u/. DEFINITION: a part of something.

-Poll /pol/. DEFINITION: when you take into account people's points of view.

-Recycling wire /,ri:'saiklingn 'wai /. DEFINITION: sort of a bag which always uses to do shopping in an eco-friendly way in the supermarkets.

-Squash /skwoch/. DEFINITION: a kind of vegetables which is long-sized and generally green. It can used like a Christmas decoration.

-Mildew /mil'dju:/. DEFINITION: a virus which develops on vegetables. It is like a whitish overspread powder.

-Fruit set /,fru:t 'set/. DEFINITION: the result of a harvest.

-Pest /pest/. DEFINITION: insects or worms which destroy harvests.

-Crop rotation /,crop 'r uteichen/. DEFINITION: cultivators change soil to still cultivate fruit or vegetable.

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